What is Vauxhall Astra code 24 error? (Video)

Vauxhall Astra code 24 error means that your license plate lamp is not working.

Code 24 error allows to notice this problem. When you get this error, check if your license plate lamp is on and if it is not, buy a new lamp.

Sometimes the problem is not just that the license plate light is not working, you put on a new one and it still explodes or does not come on at all. In this case, it can be thought that there is a short circuit in the system. In this case, an auto electrician should check the wiring connections in the Vauxhall Astra vehicle.


If you get Code 24 error but license plate light is on?
Let's say you get a Code 24 error, but the plate lamp lights up without any problems, so the lamp is in good condition.

There may be a leak due to a problem in the connections, and your battery may be discharged quickly due to this leakage. Therefore, if you get a code 24 error, take it to an auto electrician even if your license plate lamp is on.

What causes the Code 24 error?
The line from terminal 15 to terminal 1 of P14 may have been interrupted.

Or the cable from terminal B 2 of control unit K100 to terminal 2 of P14 may be loose or broken.

Other things may have caused the Code 24 error as well. The driver must show his vehicle to a specialist.